So tonight was Tim's first full night back at work. Here is a rundown of what happened on my first night alone with both kids (in no particular order):
Oliver ate the entire time and cried whenever I tried to stop him.
I nearly mangled him trying to get him into a baby sling.
Mackensie peed on the floor.
Sniper stole a poop diaper out of the diaper pail and ran around the house with it while I chased her trying to get it back.
Sniper stole Oliver's pacifiers.
Mackensie bit me in the butt HARD. She wasn't trying to be mean - -she was just "biting my bummy meat," but she doesn't know the difference between pretend biting and really chomping down. I was talking on the phone doing dishes when she did it and she scared the crap out of me.
Mac tried to feed Oliver a bottle of milk leftover from this morning (she had the right idea, but I had to explain to her that she has to ask me before she puts anything in his mouth)
Mac has modified her voice to two volumes: loud and really, really loud.
They are finally both in bed asleep. Not bad at 9:20 I guess. Of course the house looks like a tornado tore through it, but I don't really care. I'm going to bed.
"If God is a DJ, life is a dance floor. Love is the rhythm, and you are the music." ~Pink
28 August 2007
23 August 2007
Guess who is home!
Sorry about the delay -- this site was down when I tried to update yesterday. But in the meantime, we got some great news! Oliver came home yesterday. His MRI came back showing that he doesn't need a shunt right now. They told us that 95% of babies with spina bifida do need a shunt eventually, but as of right now, Oliver is good to go. He also doesn't need to be catheterized anymore, which is great. That takes a lot of pressure off of his home care. So with all of that good news, he was ready to come home. This came as a complete surprise to us yesterday -- we were lucky we even brought the car seat. They told us soon after we got there, and after a 5-hour discharge process, home we came :)
I think that Oliver likes it here. He slept for 3-hour stretches last night, whcih wasn't too bad. Of course, he was awake for an hour and a half in between each 3 hour stretch. Mac is a great big sister -- I mean the best. She has already given him a bottle and helped to change his diaper. I think that it will still be an adjustment for her, but so far, so good. I think that Sniper is just pissed off that we brought home yet another person.
In true Lisa and Tim style, we didn't have everything ready for him to come home. Even with all of our time to prep. But we're catching up. Hopefully by the time the weekend comes we will be all set up and ready to move into our new routine.
I think that Oliver likes it here. He slept for 3-hour stretches last night, whcih wasn't too bad. Of course, he was awake for an hour and a half in between each 3 hour stretch. Mac is a great big sister -- I mean the best. She has already given him a bottle and helped to change his diaper. I think that it will still be an adjustment for her, but so far, so good. I think that Sniper is just pissed off that we brought home yet another person.
In true Lisa and Tim style, we didn't have everything ready for him to come home. Even with all of our time to prep. But we're catching up. Hopefully by the time the weekend comes we will be all set up and ready to move into our new routine.
20 August 2007
Yay -- pictures!
Okay -- so here they are! I finally have a little photo tour of Oliver's first few days. Just a quick update -- today is a big day - -he has his MRI, as well as appointments with orthopedics and physical therapy. What we learn today should give us more insight into when he comes home. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!
Photo: about an hour after delivery, Oliver came to visit us in recovery.

His first close-up.
Photo: about an hour after delivery, Oliver came to visit us in recovery.
His first close-up.
17 August 2007
One Down, One to Go
So right now I am ABD (all but discharged, that is). My official discharge from the hospital is about 3, so I'm going to head over and visit with the little man before I pack all of my stuff and officially "move out." On one hand, I'm so glad to be going home. More time with Mac, all of my own stuff, etc. But I hate the thought of leaving here without Oliver. I also like the 24/7 care and pain meds available to me. I'll definitely miss being able to go over to see him anytime, as well as having people bring food and medicine to me at the press of a button.
They have said the soonest he will be discharged is the end of next week. He has an MRI scheduled for next Monday and I think that will be very telling in so far as whether or not he will need a shunt, which would delay his homecoming. So far he has had 2 head ultrasounds, which revealed that not much has changed fluid-wise since he was born and since he had the surgery to close up his back. I think that if nothing new develops, they will not shunt him for now. However, neurosurgery is never around when Tim and I are, so we get a lot of our information second-hand from the nurses and general physician assistants. I'm sure that at some point, probably after the MRI on Monday, we will get to consult with neuro directly. They say his kidneys look good -- kidney damage is often a side-effect of spina bifida because of the child's inability to fully empty his bladder. Oliver does make wet diapers on his own, but also needs to be cathed every two hours. I'm really hoping that is resolved before we leave the hospital. I can't even take temperatures using a rectal thermometer, let alone catheterize someone a few times a day. He also starts with his leg wrappings on monday to correct his club feet and to slowly ease his legs into a "regular" position. They are now kind of stuck in a "V" shape with his feet up by his head. It looks painful, but since that is all he has ever known, he is actually pretty comfortable.
So the end result of all this is that things look good for now. I got to hold and feed him yesterday and it was the BEST feeling ever (or I should say since I held Mac for the first time). I have to go get my Oliver fix and then Mac and Tim are coming up so we can all hang out together. I can't wait to hold both of my little ones at the same time! I'm so glad for today's homecoming, but it won't be real until Oliver can join us, too.
They have said the soonest he will be discharged is the end of next week. He has an MRI scheduled for next Monday and I think that will be very telling in so far as whether or not he will need a shunt, which would delay his homecoming. So far he has had 2 head ultrasounds, which revealed that not much has changed fluid-wise since he was born and since he had the surgery to close up his back. I think that if nothing new develops, they will not shunt him for now. However, neurosurgery is never around when Tim and I are, so we get a lot of our information second-hand from the nurses and general physician assistants. I'm sure that at some point, probably after the MRI on Monday, we will get to consult with neuro directly. They say his kidneys look good -- kidney damage is often a side-effect of spina bifida because of the child's inability to fully empty his bladder. Oliver does make wet diapers on his own, but also needs to be cathed every two hours. I'm really hoping that is resolved before we leave the hospital. I can't even take temperatures using a rectal thermometer, let alone catheterize someone a few times a day. He also starts with his leg wrappings on monday to correct his club feet and to slowly ease his legs into a "regular" position. They are now kind of stuck in a "V" shape with his feet up by his head. It looks painful, but since that is all he has ever known, he is actually pretty comfortable.
So the end result of all this is that things look good for now. I got to hold and feed him yesterday and it was the BEST feeling ever (or I should say since I held Mac for the first time). I have to go get my Oliver fix and then Mac and Tim are coming up so we can all hang out together. I can't wait to hold both of my little ones at the same time! I'm so glad for today's homecoming, but it won't be real until Oliver can join us, too.
16 August 2007
He's Here!!
I know, I what good is a blog if I don't update it? Oliver James has arrived, and boy is he CUTE! I went in for the c-section on Monday morning as planned. I woke up in the middle of Sunday night with some crazy contractions, and thought that I might have him a few hours early. But it was like my body knew this was the last good sleep it was going to get for a while, so the contractions died down and I was able to fall back to sleep until it was time to get up at 6:30. The alarm never went off, but luckily I woke up and we got to the hospital on time (barely).
So I think that everyone knows that I was nervous about the section. It turned out to be okay, but I don't think that I would ever choose to go that route. I was monitored for about an hour before-hand -- hooked up so we could hear the baby's heartbeat, given an ultrasound, and discussed basic medical history. I also got an IV line in my hand, which I did not like. Based on my reaction to that, I got even more scared about the spinal.
And then it was time -- I went in to the OR ahead of Tim, where they adminsitered the spinal. I hated that. The procedure is similar to getting an epidural, but I guess last time I was in so much pain that the pain from the epidural didn't bother me. This time, it was all I had to focus on. I jumped when they put the needle in, and really, really, hated the feeling of the medication going through my legs. The whole thing was just uncomfortable and nasty. And of course I thought that I was the one person for whom the medication wasn't really going to work. Of course, it did, and from the time I started to go numb, things got a lot better.
Tim came into the room and sat next to me. Before I knew it they had started the incision. Literally, I didn't know it -- I thought they still had to do a test or two to make sure that I was numb. But Tim told me that they had already started. And a few minutes later the little man was born. Our doctor brought him over hanging upside down, and that was the last we saw of him for a while. They fixed me up and brought me to recovery. I actually felt pretty good. And the best surprise was that they wheeled Oliver in for a quick visit. It was so amazing to finally see him! Just the day before I had been worried that he wasn't moving enought, and there he was in all his baby glory moving around right in front of me! I fell in love all over again :)
A lot of our family had come for the birth, so we had a lot of visitors. Tim took everyone to lunch, and I finally went up to my room and got settled in. The deal was that I couldn't go to CHOP to see Oliver until the doctors were satisfied that I had recovered enough. So I made the quickest recovery possible -- I've had people comment all week that they can't believe I'm up and around, but being able to see him was the best incentive possible. Believe me - I paid for it later!
Oliver has his own adorable little cubby in the NICU. He is just the cutest baby since Mac. they have the same squishy face, but Oliver is a lot smaller! He was 6 lb. 11 oz. when he was born and about 20 inches. I don't have my pictures on the computer yet, but I promise they will come soon. For the first day, we all just looked at him and touched his arms and head in his little isolette.
On Tuesday he had his surgery. I was really nervous but things went well. The scar looks ugly, but they say that he healing well. I will FINALLY get to hold him today at 4 pm -- a full 48 hours after his surgery. I cannot wait.
Have to go see him now. Will update later.
So I think that everyone knows that I was nervous about the section. It turned out to be okay, but I don't think that I would ever choose to go that route. I was monitored for about an hour before-hand -- hooked up so we could hear the baby's heartbeat, given an ultrasound, and discussed basic medical history. I also got an IV line in my hand, which I did not like. Based on my reaction to that, I got even more scared about the spinal.
And then it was time -- I went in to the OR ahead of Tim, where they adminsitered the spinal. I hated that. The procedure is similar to getting an epidural, but I guess last time I was in so much pain that the pain from the epidural didn't bother me. This time, it was all I had to focus on. I jumped when they put the needle in, and really, really, hated the feeling of the medication going through my legs. The whole thing was just uncomfortable and nasty. And of course I thought that I was the one person for whom the medication wasn't really going to work. Of course, it did, and from the time I started to go numb, things got a lot better.
Tim came into the room and sat next to me. Before I knew it they had started the incision. Literally, I didn't know it -- I thought they still had to do a test or two to make sure that I was numb. But Tim told me that they had already started. And a few minutes later the little man was born. Our doctor brought him over hanging upside down, and that was the last we saw of him for a while. They fixed me up and brought me to recovery. I actually felt pretty good. And the best surprise was that they wheeled Oliver in for a quick visit. It was so amazing to finally see him! Just the day before I had been worried that he wasn't moving enought, and there he was in all his baby glory moving around right in front of me! I fell in love all over again :)
A lot of our family had come for the birth, so we had a lot of visitors. Tim took everyone to lunch, and I finally went up to my room and got settled in. The deal was that I couldn't go to CHOP to see Oliver until the doctors were satisfied that I had recovered enough. So I made the quickest recovery possible -- I've had people comment all week that they can't believe I'm up and around, but being able to see him was the best incentive possible. Believe me - I paid for it later!
Oliver has his own adorable little cubby in the NICU. He is just the cutest baby since Mac. they have the same squishy face, but Oliver is a lot smaller! He was 6 lb. 11 oz. when he was born and about 20 inches. I don't have my pictures on the computer yet, but I promise they will come soon. For the first day, we all just looked at him and touched his arms and head in his little isolette.
On Tuesday he had his surgery. I was really nervous but things went well. The scar looks ugly, but they say that he healing well. I will FINALLY get to hold him today at 4 pm -- a full 48 hours after his surgery. I cannot wait.
Have to go see him now. Will update later.
12 August 2007
So this is it...
We're at the start of our last day as a family of three plus pug. Of course, we've hypothetically been a family of four for quite a while now, but tomorrow we become the real thing. We've fit a lot of family time into this week, and hopefully today we can fit some more. Mackensie is going to think that having a baby really means getting to go to ChuckE Cheese, get ice cream, and hang out all day with mom and dad.
Tonight she will have a sleepover with grandma and grandpa while Tim and I go down to Philly. We know that we can't make it down there by 7:30 tomorrow morning and actually be on time. That looks so pathetic in print - who can't get up and out on a day like tomorrow? Well, if anyone will oversleep or dawdle around to the last minute it will be us. So we've owned up to our shortcomings and gotten a room near the hospital. We'll get there at 7:30 and get hooked up in the labor room, where they will monitor the baby for a bit and counsel me about my spinal. Yuck -- wish I could do without that. Of course, there's no way I want to be put out during the surgery, so a spinal it will be. I guess the epidural wasn't that bad last time; hopefully this won't be much different.
Then it's off to surgery. Once he is born, I will get to see him briefly, and then the little man gets taken right to the NICU for check-in and evaluation. I can't go see him until I can walk, which seems a little silly considering I can't hold him anyway. What damage could I possibly do? I realize that restriction might be for my benefit, but don't they realize that seeing him would speed my recovery? Anyway, while he is getting checked in, Tim and I get some downtime. Then Tim can go see him and I can join later. Our family is going to be there, too, so there should be no shortage of company for either one of us.
Mac is coming around 2, at which point I will hopefully get to see both of my children. How weird is it to say that? I'm not sure how she will feel about this, but we are fully prepared to buy her approval and affection with a really cool doll and doll accessory set. The accessories are actually the same type and brand that I have purchased for the baby. So she gets to take care of her new baby while I get to take care of mine.
So that should be tomorrow in a nutshell. Based on his evaluation, surgery for Oliver should come sometime on Tuesday. Hopefully by Tuesday night I will be able to hold him. Hopefully, he will not need a shunt right away. Of course, if there is one thing that I have learned over the last few weeks, it's that "Everything can change after his back is closed up and we can't tell you anything until he is born." So at least we should finally get some answers!
Please keep us in your prayers, that we are all strong and healthy, and that the answers we finally get are good ones :)
Tonight she will have a sleepover with grandma and grandpa while Tim and I go down to Philly. We know that we can't make it down there by 7:30 tomorrow morning and actually be on time. That looks so pathetic in print - who can't get up and out on a day like tomorrow? Well, if anyone will oversleep or dawdle around to the last minute it will be us. So we've owned up to our shortcomings and gotten a room near the hospital. We'll get there at 7:30 and get hooked up in the labor room, where they will monitor the baby for a bit and counsel me about my spinal. Yuck -- wish I could do without that. Of course, there's no way I want to be put out during the surgery, so a spinal it will be. I guess the epidural wasn't that bad last time; hopefully this won't be much different.
Then it's off to surgery. Once he is born, I will get to see him briefly, and then the little man gets taken right to the NICU for check-in and evaluation. I can't go see him until I can walk, which seems a little silly considering I can't hold him anyway. What damage could I possibly do? I realize that restriction might be for my benefit, but don't they realize that seeing him would speed my recovery? Anyway, while he is getting checked in, Tim and I get some downtime. Then Tim can go see him and I can join later. Our family is going to be there, too, so there should be no shortage of company for either one of us.
Mac is coming around 2, at which point I will hopefully get to see both of my children. How weird is it to say that? I'm not sure how she will feel about this, but we are fully prepared to buy her approval and affection with a really cool doll and doll accessory set. The accessories are actually the same type and brand that I have purchased for the baby. So she gets to take care of her new baby while I get to take care of mine.
So that should be tomorrow in a nutshell. Based on his evaluation, surgery for Oliver should come sometime on Tuesday. Hopefully by Tuesday night I will be able to hold him. Hopefully, he will not need a shunt right away. Of course, if there is one thing that I have learned over the last few weeks, it's that "Everything can change after his back is closed up and we can't tell you anything until he is born." So at least we should finally get some answers!
Please keep us in your prayers, that we are all strong and healthy, and that the answers we finally get are good ones :)
07 August 2007
One More Week!
How can seven days seem so short and so long at the same time? We had what should be our last ultrasound yesterday. Everything looks basically the same, which is good. He weighs 6 lbs. 6 oz., which is a huge jump from last time -- he is ahead of the growth curve. Maybe that is why I feel so fat and sluggish (or maybe it's the chocolate donuts I had for breakfast on Sunday). He should be 7 lbs. by the time he is born, which is pretty decent for being two weeks early. I guess we just have big babies.
Even though I was much more forward-planning than usual in getting ready for his arrival, I still have a ton of stuff to do this week. But that's okay, because I need stuff to keep me busy (as if Mac won't take care of that). I think that getting through the week will be okay, but the weekend will be unbearable.
I guess instead of procrastinating on the computer, I should go start some of these so-called essential activities.
Even though I was much more forward-planning than usual in getting ready for his arrival, I still have a ton of stuff to do this week. But that's okay, because I need stuff to keep me busy (as if Mac won't take care of that). I think that getting through the week will be okay, but the weekend will be unbearable.
I guess instead of procrastinating on the computer, I should go start some of these so-called essential activities.
02 August 2007
01 August 2007
Two-berty -- for better or for worse
So Mac is in the full throes of what I have heard referred to as "two-berty." "No" has officially become her favorite word, and it is always uttered in a tone that can make the hair on the back of your neck stand straight up. I hear myself threaten to take things away at least 500 times a day -- juice, milk, little people, books, markers, pens -- whatever it takes. We also work a lot on the barter system :
"If you want to play outside later, you have to come in and eat your dinner right now."
"No." (of course)
"Okay then, no playing outside for the rest of the night." (how very drastic -- could I actually follow through with that?)
"Okay." (I think I just won!)
And then she asks me "Are you mean?" which means "Are you mad?" and "Are you happy mommy?" I try to explain that it's not about whether I'm happy or not, but whether she is behaving or not. That explanation never gets me very far, and I always wind up telling her that I am mean or happy (that usually gets me a hug).
Of course, there is an upside to twoberty, too. Mac has a million cute little habits and we are able to have a lot of fun together. We have spent our summer:
Listening to Disney Songs in the car. Mac knows all of the words to Supercalifragilisticexpialidotios and we sing them all (Of course, that's because we listen to the songs over and over and over)
Reading our books and snuggling in bed at night for a few minutes before Mac goes to sleep
Eating ice cream with M&Ms and sprinkles
Playing little people
Watching cartoons
Playing on the swing set
and Playing at Grandma and Grandpa's houses

Mac loves to sing and dance and run around like a crazy person. She is funny and smart and sweet and precocious and naughty all at once. Although we sometimes struggle, and I am always tired by the time she goes to bed at night, she is wonderful. She makes twoberty look good.
"If you want to play outside later, you have to come in and eat your dinner right now."
"No." (of course)
"Okay then, no playing outside for the rest of the night." (how very drastic -- could I actually follow through with that?)
"Okay." (I think I just won!)
And then she asks me "Are you mean?" which means "Are you mad?" and "Are you happy mommy?" I try to explain that it's not about whether I'm happy or not, but whether she is behaving or not. That explanation never gets me very far, and I always wind up telling her that I am mean or happy (that usually gets me a hug).
Of course, there is an upside to twoberty, too. Mac has a million cute little habits and we are able to have a lot of fun together. We have spent our summer:
Listening to Disney Songs in the car. Mac knows all of the words to Supercalifragilisticexpialidotios and we sing them all (Of course, that's because we listen to the songs over and over and over)
Reading our books and snuggling in bed at night for a few minutes before Mac goes to sleep
Eating ice cream with M&Ms and sprinkles
Playing little people
Watching cartoons
Playing on the swing set
and Playing at Grandma and Grandpa's houses

Mac loves to sing and dance and run around like a crazy person. She is funny and smart and sweet and precocious and naughty all at once. Although we sometimes struggle, and I am always tired by the time she goes to bed at night, she is wonderful. She makes twoberty look good.
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