28 September 2013

All About Oli

My Oli boy is in casts again. I didn't want to do it, but after a month with a pressure  sore, he couldn't get in his braces anymore. So every week, we go to King of Prussia and get his casts switched out. each time the doctor alters the angle of his foot just a but, so that by November, he should be able to fit in his braces again. In that time, he has to give up swim lessons and swimming in Florida. He was a little disappointed about swim, and hasn't realized yet about Florida. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it,  I guess

On the up side,he is rocking in school! He is so much more articulate in telling me what he does each day, and who his friends are. He has made plenty, which makes me feel better about him having to split from his friends from last year, who moved on to first grade. He is so interested in books now, and we try to count everything. Basically, he is so much more inquisitive now, and I think that is a big part of what was lacking last year. Fingers crossed for a successful school year, so that a) he enjoys himself, and b) he can promote to regular ed in first grade. However, whether he promotes to regular or special ed in first grade, I'm glad we gave him this extra year of foundation.

We got funding for a ramp, which is the process of being built now. I can't wait for it to be done, since he will be able to get into the house without being carried. We also had a wheelchair height seat built into our countertop when we had the kitchen redone, and are working on getting funding to redo the bathroom. I hope that within the year, we will have a house that is Oli-accessible, and lets him feel empowered (even if he wasn't feeling in-empowered, I want him to grow up feeling that the house is built as much for him as for anyone else).

Finally, his bowel program seems to be working, so we are going to look into self catheterization when we go to his clinic appointment in November. I'm not sure it will be time yet, but we are getting closer to underwear! Our goal was first grade (or, I guess, age 6), so we are right on track.

Whew. There is more, but these are the highlights. Oli is still cute, sweet, and very much my little boy. However, I can see a bit more "big kid" in him as he comes into his own.

05 September 2013

Back to School and a Summer in Review

It's here -- the time of year that we nerds dream about -- Back to School! In my house, that means just about everybody -- me, Mac, and Oli. Mac and I get super excited; Oli, not so much. But I think even he had a good first day. 

This year, I was determined to get it right -- optimize for success. We did our back to school shopping very early, and got everything that we needed with minimum fuss or tantrum (of course, there was one tantrum, but sadly, Beth and I agreed that this was our most successful year by far.) We've picked out our clothes for the whole week by Sunday night. So far, that has been working. We also get up early enough to include enema (also working), and have a new, no TV in the morning rule (also working, although Tim seems disturbed by it). We are still negotiating lunch -- Mac wants nothing short of lunchables, and I say no way. Plus, Oli decided that he hates peanut butter (his go-to lunch from last year). I have signed up for a free week of mom-ables, bought the Trader Joe's Lunch cookbook, and taken the kids to Whole Foods for a "pack your own lunch" event, but to little avail. Oli wants "snack" and Mac wants Lunchables, which are a nutritional hang up of mine. We'll see how this all shakes out.

Of course, for all my successes this week, there were two epic fails. First: Mac didn't have a half day on Tuesday. Um...Oli did, so why not Mac. I had her all prepped for a half day, and didn't pack her a lunch. Tim showed up to pick her up at noon, along with 2 other parents (presumably parents of kindergartners, as well). Sigh. And then, b/c of my teaching schedule, along with temporarily losing my keys due to rushing b/c of my teaching schedule, I was late  picking up Mac on Wednesday. Poor girl. 

I'm going to focus on the successes and take it from there...

Speaking of successes and disappointments, I have a bit of a round up from the summer. This summer was universally declared "meh" (and by universally, I mean that Beth and I agree on it). Here's a brief rundown of our summer:


1. Some good outings and family time. Lots of lunches together, and time spent at Dave and Busters, which the kids love.
2. Reading aloud a summer chapter book together --"Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing." Mac read aloud for us, and Oli even enjoyed it. Both kids got some reading exposure and enjoyment -- a win/win.
3. Being consistent with Bible reading -- for both me (alone in the morning) and the kids.
4. Weekly visits with Aunt Beth and Harry!! 
5. Got Oli's enema schedule back on track. Not fun, but very important.
6. Got new braces. Of course, we have a ginourmous bill that insurance should be covering, and the braces have subsequently given him pressure sores on both feet. However, the fact that we got the ball rolling is good.
7. Ordered a new walker. It's on backorder until mid-September, but since Oli can't wear his braces to use it anyway, no big deal.
8. Got an appointment for seating clinic for wheelchair modifications. A small but important victory that took way longer than it should have.
9. Miles got 4 teeth!!
10. Miles is standing, cruising, and climbing stairs.
11. Miles now eats everything and anything!

Wish we could have...

1. Gotten to the beach more!
2. Gone on more educational outings. The Betsy Ross House, Morris Arboretum and Crayola Factory were high on my list, but we never made it.
3. Gotten my work schedule on track earlier. It took a good month of a lot of stress for me to realize I had to get up and out as early as possible, thus forgoing many of the aforementioned trips. However, the work time was needed, and I think the kids still had a lot of fun.
4. Gotten outside more, period. I get a lot of resistance, especially from Oli. I would love to get them to the park more, but he actually cries not to go, and I don't have the energy to physically drag him.
5. Had less screen time. Not to sound too crunchy, but I know there were days where the kids just rotated among TV, Wii, Computer, and iPad. When they are fighting over whose turn it is for the 10th time, I realize that they have watched several hours of TV. Not that it will kill them (we watched a lot of TV as kids) but it always comes at the detriment of something else (like outside time. See above. I note a pattern).

All in all, not a bad summer, just lacking some of the pizzazz I usually associate with my favorite season. I think that I was spoiled by Tim not working last summer -- we were able to do so much more! Also, since we are saving our vacation for October, this was a first time in a long time that we didn't get away. Boy, am I spoiled. 

So, as back to school gets into full swing, I am happily celebrating the change in pace and routine. I love summer and am always sad to see it go. But I am looking forward to school, sweatshirts, new activities, the cooler fall weather, football and "fall food" (hot wings and pumpkin spice lattes, anyone?).
My cuties on their first day. They are so big!

Love her spirit!