Any time a week starts out slow, the action picks up before we know it.
This week started with a 5/13 appointment for Oliver to pick up his braces. YES! FINALLY! I'm so excited. I can't wait to see those little feet on a daily basis. Plus, his casts are so disgusting now (covered in dirt, Popsicle, and maybe even a little poop) that I need them to come off. Then, because I raised the question of whether or not he would need knee braces to stand, we added a spinda bifida clinic visit so that the PT could check him and possibly have him measured for KAFOs, or knee braces. And today, we added an MRI.
Two times in the past week and a half, Oli has had an episode where his head goes kind of limp, his eyes flutter, and he is unresponsive for a minute (or less). I have not seen this happen, but Tim's mom has seen it twice. She was pretty freaked out by it, so I called neurosurgery today and they ordered an MRI immediately. Debbie, the Neurosurgery NP, said it sounds like seizure activity. This is the second time we have suspected Oli of seizures. The first time turned out to be nothing. Oli does have a wierd habit of getting "lost in space" for a minute now and then. Combined with these two episodes, it seems like a good idea to have an MRI. They will check for both increased ventricle size and any changes in his chiari malformation. So this could have implications for seizures and shunting.
It's hard for me to wrap my mind around it, because I haven't seen it. It happened the other day when I was home, but he was outside with Tim's mom. She brought him inside immediately afterwards, and he seemed fine. But I know what it is like to see him do something unusual, and it is very unsettling.
We just got the all clear for six months between neuro appointments, which is longer than we've ever gone. And now we're back only three weeks later. Please pray that it is nothing serious.