So I took Mac to the pedi for her check up yesterday, and just asked them to listen to Oliver since he's been a little sniffly and Tim mentioned he thought he heard a wheeze or two. Turns out Oliver has a cold. The quick listen to his chest turned into a full-blown appointment. Now he has to be on a nebulizer for medication 3x a day and go back for a recheck on Friday. So much for our "light" week on dr. visits -- by Friday, we will total 3 visits for Oliver and a check-up for Mac (if nothing else happens today, that is). Are you kidding?
Luckily, Mac's check-up went great. She is in the 75 percentile for height, 95th for weight, and 99th for head circumference. But her head growth has leveled off, so that is a good thing. The doctor gave her a clean bill of health, and seemed to be a bit taken with her, as well. Who wouldn't be?
Just in case you were wondering what it is like when we go to our orthopedic appointments, here are some pictures. I've mentioned before that we wait and wait and wait -- here is how we pass the time.