We had our first set of outpatient appointments this week. Orthopedics took 3 1/2 hours. I was insane by the time the doctor came in. Tim is much more patient than I am. Oliver got new casts and we found out that he will go back in two weeks for another new set. This pattern will keep up for about 3 months, at which time they will decide if he needs surgery on his legs. The doctor told us that he likely won't do anything about Oliver's dislocated hips, which is kind of freaky. It bothers me that they are dislocated, but according to the doctor, if they put them back in place, they will probably pop out again anyway.
After the grueling ordeal of orthopedics, we went to see a lactation consultant. Breastfeeding is now the bane of my existence. For something that is supposed to be so natural I am on medication to improve my supply, weighing him before and after every feeding, and then pumping milk on top of that. How unnatural. Wanting to do the natural thing is so very unlike me -- I'm a big believer in modern technology, medication, and convenience. I should know better than to go against my instincts and try the natural route. I'm giving it another week or so before I throw in the towl. At least I can tell him mommy tried.
Our other big news is that Mac starts school this week. I thought it was such a good idea when I signed her up, but now my heart is breaking. I can't imagine sending her into the care of someone I don't really know for 2 days a week. But she seems excited, and I stand by the fact that it will be great for her to make friends and have some structured learning activities. Plus, they make her take a nap. It's actually state law that she has to "rest" for a certain amount of time in school/daycare. If only that was a law for everyone -- I think that every adult could benefit from naptime during the day.
Here are some new pictures as a bonus if you've made it this far down the blog: