Here is Mac showing off her back to school style. She was so happy with her Hello Kitty outfit and backpack. As a side note, I also would have enjoyed that outfit circa first or second grade. Everything old is new again!
Here are my two little ones getting ready for the bus. After much debate, we ultimately decided to let both of them take the bus. Unfortunately, they are on separate buses, but each seems to be enjoying his or her own ride. Right now, Oli is the only one on his bus. Hopefully, he will have other kids with him in the future.
Here is Mac getting on the bus. Even though I had prepared for the first day of school, I couldn't believe that I was actually expected to let them get on the bus on their own and then trust that they would get to school okay. It seemed unfathomable to me. Luckily, b/c of the bus/school wanted us to teach them about Oli's braces, we were actually told to follow the bus on the first day and get him on/off. When we pulled up to the school, there were buses everywhere! Once I found his bus, I also found the school social worker and Oli's teacher there waiting for him, too. Oli had a long way to walk, and almost got run over by the hordes of kids entering school. Luckily, they now are willing to drop Oli off in the back, where he has a shorter walk both outside and inside. So I was spared the agony of just putting them on the bus and letting them go until day 2.
Finally, here is Oli fresh home from his first day of school. Although he was not too verbally expressive about his day, he had a sort of confidence about him that told me he enjoyed himself. He asked for chocolate milk, and downed it like it was a shot. Then he slammed his cup down. It was pretty funny. He's just that kind of guy!
I'm very proud of my kids as they take this large step forward in their development. Although I am sad that this marks the end of their "baby era," it feels very right and natural that they should be going to school. I am so excited to see what this year brings, and the kids that they will become as a result.