How much is a 10 day stay in the NICU at CHOP? Literally, $64,038.23. I'm not sure that even includes Oliver's surgery or any of the diagnostics (ultrasounds, MRI, etc.). I've been waiting for this Explanation of Benefits from my insurance company and it finally came. And in what is a true praise to God, they paid for it. I knew it was going to be high, but I really had no idea.
Ironically, I spent a good deal of time today trying to sort through charges that the insurance company did not pay. It turns out bills just need to be resubmitted and they will take care of it. But just when I was low on liking my insurance company, they really pulled through.
I just had to share.
Just an update from yesterday: Oliver has bronchitis like Mac. Poor little guy. We had to get chest x-rays to rule out pneumonia, which we did. So now he's just layin low and getting lots of love from mommy (not to mention the nebulizer treatments).
Really, my insurance company must hate me.