And while I'm counting our blessings -- today is Tim's birthday! The big 2-9. He thinks he's getting old, but 29 isn't so bad. I feel bad that I don't have his gift -- I've been trying to find a Wii as a combined birthday/Christmas gift, but I can't get one anywhere. It's like a cabbage patch doll or something. The funny thing is that I had this idea months ago but figured it would be no big deal to pick it up closer to the holidays. The joke is on me. I'm actually going to go wait in line at Toys R Us on Sunday morning because I heard that they will have a shipment. I always thought the first time I did that it would be for one of my kids, not my husband. But I think that he will be so excited, so I really hope that I can get it.
Not much else is new. We're waiting for the possible snow storm tomorrow. I can't decide if I want a lot of snow or not. I remember about 5 or 6 years ago when my biggest concern over getting snowed in was whether or not I had enough liquor in the house to sustain me through a day or two of Real World marathons. Now I have to make sure that we have enough food, activities, and energy to play in the snow. Ah - how times change. Mama's all grown up now.
PS -- This is what happens when we try to pose for holiday pictures in our house.