So, again, it has been a while. But I return with big news -- we are having a baby!
Part of my reluctance to post has been a reluctance to share the news, but there have been so many things that I have wanted to post about over the last few months that I figured I had better come clean so that I can resume posting overall. I am 26 weeks, and due October 28. We are having a boy. I could not ask for any more :)
I have been an absolute nervous wreck, and this pregnancy has revealed to me (among other things), that I have no sense of intuition, just blind panic that overrides reason. I cannot even list here the entire spectrum of maladies that I have been afraid of encountering over the last few months (everything from Listeria to botulism), but suffice it to say, my nerves have been in overdrive. The only thing that sometimes brings me back to reality is the fact that even I have to admit that it is highly unlikely that I could encounter listeria, botulism, and placental abruption all within one week (although you never really know, do you?). Although I have never been known for being cool or laid back, this worry really is a new level. I am hoping that it is pregnancy hormones, and that a) isn't really me, and that b) I will go back to pre-pregnancy levels of anxiety once I deliver. I'm also hoping that if it is hormonally induced, that it isn't a harbinger of post-partum depression (something I have been lucky enough to avoid thus far). But see, there I go worrying again...
So, overall, things are great. The kids are enjoying the summer, and b/c Tim sold the karate school in May, he has been around to help out. This is especially important, b/c Oli needs to be lifted a lot and I just can't do it. We are trying to decide if he will stay home or get a part-time job while he looks into opening a local school for early next year. More on that another time. For now, I am really enjoying his company.
Here is a picture of me -- the first official "bump" picture of my pregnancy, although I have been captured in a few other photographs over the last few months. I think it is from @ a week ago, at 25 weeks.
All in all, I am big, this news is big, and I wouldn't have it any other way :)