It has been coming for a while. Subtle lifestyle shifts here and there have led me down this path, and how, here I am.
A few ways I know that I just that old:
1. No full caff. in the afternoon.
2. I had Lasik ten years ago, and now I need glasses again.
3. I have to wear makeup now. I made this realization on a day that I, unfortunately, did not wear makeup to work. I look so old and tired that I don't think people can even take me seriously.
4. I think I am getting jowls. If nothing else, I am fuller in the cheek/chin area. I also wake up puffy.
5. I constantly age-up my family. I practically assaulted Beth when she registered as 30 for a race we ran this spring, and accused her of lying. The whole ugly incident only took a minute, but for that minute, I couldn't believe that I was that much older than her. And I always say Tim's age as one year older than he really is. For the record, he is only 33 now, and he just turned 33. I was 32 when Oli was born and that seems FOREVER ago.
6. I pee when I run and exercise. Forget laughing.
I'm sure that there is more, but of course I can't remember them, because I'm old!