at the hospital. We decided to go ahead with the 3-day EEG. The doctor never really gave us a choice, but we had debated whether or not it was worth it. Oliver had a few episodes last weekend, but a basically twitch-free week. A few here and there, but nothing over the top. So yesterday I decided to do a little internet research, which I had purposely stayed away from because I didn't want to freak myself out. But then I also thought that if I was committing to a three day stay in the hospital, I should know what it is for. And the research did scare me, but mostly because it doesn't sound that much different from what he is doing. And that brings us to today. It was supposed to start at one o'clock, but we really just got things underway around 4:30. We have our own private room, which is nice. I'll stay with Oliver and Tim will take care of Mac on the home front. Of course, they will come visit. And he'll spell me so that I can go teach tomorrow. But basically, Oli and I are going to have some quality time for the next few days.
To prepare him for the EEG, they had to use the most foul smelling glue to keep the electrodes on his head. He cried, but not too bad. Towards the end, he "fell asleep." I personally think that he passed out from the fumes, but the tech insisted that all babies fall asleep from fighting and crying. Mmm, I'm not so sure. I was ready to pass out, and he is a lot smaller than I am.
I'm trying to use this time productively to get my dissertation done, but I only have sporadic internet access. The hospital doesn't have wireless, so I'm pirating internet from Da_Bitchez. I can only guess that is the wireless network of one of the local college students.
I also bought a novel to read (another James Patterson -- it was all they really had at the food store this morning) and I brought Enchanted to watch. So Mr. Man and I will snuggle up for the night and relax.