Sweet Lord -- logic tells me that if I eat another thing I will burst, but I just can't stop. I'm so hungry! What is wrong with me? I heated up a huge bowl of leftovers for lunch, convinced that I would have enough for another sitting and now I am licking the sides of the Tupperware clean while simultaneously trying to figure out what else I have in the house that I can move on to next. Does anyone remember the game Hungry Hippos? The one where there were four hippos in a square, and each player tried to get their hippo to eat the most marbles in order to win? Let's just say that I've turned into the hippo champion -- I even eat food that Mac leaves on her plate for more than a few minutes. Made her two pieces of toast this morning --ate one of them before she even came into the kitchen.

At left: A view of a petite belly from a few weeks ago. Imagine this belly at twice the size pictured.