25 May 2013

7 Months and Growing!

Little man hit seven months this week! I don't really have any new stats - we go to the pediatrician this week. However, in the last month or so:

- he had his first cold. I thought it was teething, but it lasted quite a while without any teeth coming in. I do think they will pop through any day!
- he started sitting in a Highchair. But he still isn't eating much food. Neither baby led weaning nor puréed baby food seems to hold his interest. I'm glad he likes his milk, but I'm also looking forward to him getting into real food. 
- he moved out of his infant carseat and into his convertible carseat. I was tired of lugging the infant seat around, but it is still weird to have him in a new seat.
- he naps in his pack n play. The swing went to Harry, so Miles has taken to napping in "bed." It doesn't always work, but he is on his way!

He has gotten cuter. It seems impossible, but is true :)