Thank God, I never got the "throw up" part, so I was able to take care of everyone. Each kid went through it, but Miles and Oli recovered pretty quickly. Tim had to work through most of it, which was maybe a good thing. I was hoping he would be spared.
Fast forward to last night.
He slept downstairs because his stomach felt funny. I will admit, I thought he was being dramatic. Tim gets "sick" very easily. But when I woke up at 5:30 this morning (it's hard to sleep without your other by your side) and came downstairs, he looked remarkably like Mackensie in the picture above. I considered taking a photo, but decided against it.
I couldn't fall back to sleep with worry over what the day would bring. So I decided to get up and get started. I made some coffee, checked into the online Bible study I've been doing (it is ANCHORED on Facebook and being run by one of the bloggers I read), and decided to start the day early. Of course, I am procrastinating now, but I couldn't help it...
The coffee is good and the house is quiet...
For the next hour I should be able to hear myself think.
After that, all bets are off.