13 May 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

May starts the beginning if my season - Mother's Day, anniversary, and birthday. And I am not too old yet to get a kick out of it, and I am not too old yet to want to celebrate to the max! I don't expect big or copious gifts, but I do want recognition and celebration. Even if holidays are "made up" or "overindulgent" they give us an excuse to stop and celebrate, and also to appreciate our lives and each other. And this Mother's Day did not disappoint.

I have lots of helpers at play in my children's lives who helped make sure
That the kids had excellent gifts prepared. And in doing so, they really got the kids into the spirit of the day. The first is our awesome babysitter Brittney. I knew she had been working with the kids all week onnsometuing, but the while process was as secretive as can possibly be when Mac and oli are involved. She helped each of the kids author a book for me. Marc's is very mature and talks about our relationship and the connection of mother and daughter, while oli's is a completely (completely) nonsensical story about a chicken. Both are so utterly "Mac" and "oli" that they couldn't be more perfect!

The kids also made stff in school, including a photo magnet and a book about "mom." In Mac's book, she said that to relax, I grade papers. Maybe I work too much?

We visited grandparents on Saturday and stayed home on Sunday. Our first stop on Saturday was House of Cupcakes. It is a Akers in Princeton that won the Cupcake Wars competition, which is one of Mac's favorite shows. I managed to keep it a surprise until we got there and Mac was soon excited. Even Oli got excited. We got Mother's Day cupcakes for everyone, and headed up for mani/pedis with grandma and Aunt Beth.

On Sunday, the kids excitedly gave me their gifts. It was awesome. We made it to church by the skins of our teeth, and then went to one of our favorite eateries, Corner Bakery, for lunch. Then, we headed to the only place I "had" to go for Mother's Day - u- swirl. It is a frozen yogurt shop where you pay by the ounce and add all the toppings you want. This pregnancy, I had given up soft serve, since it could be linked to Listeria. So all summer, I suffered watching the rest of the family ate frozen yogurt. I've had it a few ties since, and it is all I hoped for. As a result, I covet it and it is even more f a treat than it would normally be.

I added a 4 mile run when we got home ( I'm just starting training for a half marathon this fall), and then we cleaned and had movie night. I am blessed to be the mom of such wonderful kids, and to have a great husband. My family feels full and right. And I am happy to celebrate that every chance I get!