I'm trying. I really am. But I hate the winter. And the snow that is expected over the next 48 hours is a perfect example of why.

(image from David Curren FB feed)
Every time it ices/gets windy/snows heavily, we lose power. The first time, Miles ended up in the hospital because his temperature dropped too low. The next time, we ended up with the norovirus (although that was only 50% bad, b/c we also had fun times staying with Beth, who graciously hosted us while we were without power). So my apprehension is high, as I anticipate losing power for a couple of days. I'm trying to soak up the last few hours of power by
That said, I have been doing better than usual in not getting into a winter funk. Making sure that I have hat/gloves/scarves before I leave the house has helped a lot. Homemade lattes in the afternoon have also been a bonus. Not having to check the weather in West Chester to see if Tim will have to go to work even if it is storming here has been huge. To that end, having Tim home for more movie days and nights, and topping them off with a beer, has been a nice change. We have been introducing the kids to classics, like Back to the Future. Also, the fact that it is already light after 5 o'clock has probably helped most of all.
But truly, this snow is going to test my resolve. Two things that will help: 1) Tim doesn't have to go to work if he can't/doesn't want to. 2) If we lose power, there is a good chance the karate school will have power since it is in a strip mall. At least we have a secondary place to hang out, as long as we can get there.
Meanwhile, the kids are embracing the snow. Oli was DEVASTATED when he woke up to see that there was school today. I should have taken a picture, but it would have been cruel.
Here's hoping it doesn't suck!