Mac has been going to school 2 days a week since September. Although we have to fight to get her to go in the morning, I think she likes it. There are many days that I go to get her when she doesn't want to leave. But even when she wants to stay at school, she usually runs up to me and yells "Mommy!" It's really the best feeling. She started out in the "twos" class, but moved up to "pre-K" in January. Her days consist of songs, circle time, religion, puzzles, story, play-dough, and the dreaded nap (from which she usually abstains -- big surprise). It's a great chance for her to socialize, although she has informed us that these kids don't share and have bad manners.
Today was her first parent teacher conference. I couldn't wait. I've been looking forward to it for two weeks. I got to meet with her teacher and hear about how she is doing in class, as well as look at her report card. I was happy to learn that she is progressing satisfactorally in all of the important skills. Yay! Although in the "I accept and respond to my teacher's authority" column, the teacher did add the word "eventually."
Mac really is an amazing little person. She is in the process of testing her boundaries something fierce right now. When I'm in the moment, it is really frustrating. But when I have time to reflect, I really am amazed by all that she can process and think and reason. She is so much of a little girl now that I have to remind myself constantly that she is still a baby, too.
Mac also hit another milestone this weekend - she threw up for the first time since she was a very little baby. It was super-gross. It started right after she went to bed on Saturday. We heard her crying so Tim went in to check on her. He called me in for help and it was all over her pillow. So my question was "What do we do?" Unforutunately, the answer was to clean it up. Three sets of sheets later, she was finally asleep. The next day she seemed fine for a while, but has been really tired ever since.
Tim started throwing up today.
I guess I know what I have to look forward to tomorrow.
Today was her first parent teacher conference. I couldn't wait. I've been looking forward to it for two weeks. I got to meet with her teacher and hear about how she is doing in class, as well as look at her report card. I was happy to learn that she is progressing satisfactorally in all of the important skills. Yay! Although in the "I accept and respond to my teacher's authority" column, the teacher did add the word "eventually."
Mac really is an amazing little person. She is in the process of testing her boundaries something fierce right now. When I'm in the moment, it is really frustrating. But when I have time to reflect, I really am amazed by all that she can process and think and reason. She is so much of a little girl now that I have to remind myself constantly that she is still a baby, too.
Mac also hit another milestone this weekend - she threw up for the first time since she was a very little baby. It was super-gross. It started right after she went to bed on Saturday. We heard her crying so Tim went in to check on her. He called me in for help and it was all over her pillow. So my question was "What do we do?" Unforutunately, the answer was to clean it up. Three sets of sheets later, she was finally asleep. The next day she seemed fine for a while, but has been really tired ever since.
Tim started throwing up today.
I guess I know what I have to look forward to tomorrow.