01 August 2013

What I'm Wearing

I have been reading a lot of mommy blogs lately (possibly the key for my undoing), even as part of a paper I presented at a conference. I have noticed that many blogs have regular features, one of which seems to be "what I'm wearing." In these posts, bloggers share the details, of, well, what they are wearing on any given day. Although I doubt it is a random day, I"m sure they dress up for it :) At first I thought it was a bit inane -- who cares what you are wearing? But in the blogs that I really follow, as opposed to just followed for my conference paper, I find myself absolutely fascinated. So, although I am no fashionista, I thought I would give it a try...

This guy! Other than when I am working, I feel like he is always either attached or at arm's length. That is how I like it. He is my little squish!

This guy. In the a.m. it might as well be attached to me. And I've started a very bad afternoon habit, too. Mostly, it's just decaf, though. Is it possible to drink too much decaf? I think I'm going to find out.

And these guys. Apparently, you can take the girl out of Jersey, but, well, you know the rest.

And since I couldn't get a respectable selfie of the bags under my eyes, you'll just have to take my word for it :)