So right now I am ABD (all but discharged, that is). My official discharge from the hospital is about 3, so I'm going to head over and visit with the little man before I pack all of my stuff and officially "move out." On one hand, I'm so glad to be going home. More time with Mac, all of my own stuff, etc. But I hate the thought of leaving here without Oliver. I also like the 24/7 care and pain meds available to me. I'll definitely miss being able to go over to see him anytime, as well as having people bring food and medicine to me at the press of a button.
They have said the soonest he will be discharged is the end of next week. He has an MRI scheduled for next Monday and I think that will be very telling in so far as whether or not he will need a shunt, which would delay his homecoming. So far he has had 2 head ultrasounds, which revealed that not much has changed fluid-wise since he was born and since he had the surgery to close up his back. I think that if nothing new develops, they will not shunt him for now. However, neurosurgery is never around when Tim and I are, so we get a lot of our information second-hand from the nurses and general physician assistants. I'm sure that at some point, probably after the MRI on Monday, we will get to consult with neuro directly. They say his kidneys look good -- kidney damage is often a side-effect of spina bifida because of the child's inability to fully empty his bladder. Oliver does make wet diapers on his own, but also needs to be cathed every two hours. I'm really hoping that is resolved before we leave the hospital. I can't even take temperatures using a rectal thermometer, let alone catheterize someone a few times a day. He also starts with his leg wrappings on monday to correct his club feet and to slowly ease his legs into a "regular" position. They are now kind of stuck in a "V" shape with his feet up by his head. It looks painful, but since that is all he has ever known, he is actually pretty comfortable.
So the end result of all this is that things look good for now. I got to hold and feed him yesterday and it was the BEST feeling ever (or I should say since I held Mac for the first time). I have to go get my Oliver fix and then Mac and Tim are coming up so we can all hang out together. I can't wait to hold both of my little ones at the same time! I'm so glad for today's homecoming, but it won't be real until Oliver can join us, too.