I have been deeply blessed with two wonderful children,
one of whom turns four today. It seems unbelievable, but my little Oliver
is now a big four year old!
How has he grown and changed? In countless ways. I can still remember so vividly the fear and excitement we had the night before his birth, and the immense relief I had when I was finally able to see him for the first time.
The joy of unexpectedly being able to bring him home after 10 days in the NICU.
His sweet and intimate infant days. All of his therapy and growing through Early Intervention.
The first time he crawled (backwards) and the first time he crawled (forward) -- Both of them events we weren't sure we would ever see. His first steps on the parallel bars that he used for balance, his first steps in his walker.
His first (delayed) words from Goodnight Moon. And all of the other amazing milestones inbetween.
Today, I have a full-out little boy. He talks nonstop, loves the dirt, and loves his superheros. He loves to play with his sister, but can also have a fun time alone playing with his "guys." He is going into his second year of Pre-K, is starting to be able to count, and has friends and playdates. He can tell you his name starts with O. He can walk, but often refuses to. He is strong, but he is still cute and snuggly.
This guy is the whole package.
Happy Birthday, Little O. I love you always! I believe in you and know that you will do great things. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He give you a wonderful life full of happiness and love!