In a catastrophic turn of events, my computer crashed. I tried to start it up and it just stared back at me blankly. While my computer is not as important as, say, my kids, it is pretty darn important. Even though I knew I had my two most important sets of documents (dissertation and class lectures) backed up, I was pretty upset to potentially lose the rest of the work I've done over the past two and a half years. So I started to shop around and wound up taking it to the Geek Squad. Begrudgingly, I might add, since I am sure that they are a huge rip off. Their stupid user friendly logo and set-up just screams "we are ripping you off because you are computer illiterate and have no other choice, but we are putting it in a pretty package so you don't mind paying the money."But, it seems as if they have recovered my hard drive and reinstalled my operating system in a days time, so I can't really complain. Too much. I just started my computer for the first time and the first time and saw the username is "Tim." Now I know some couples share an e-mail address, but Tim and I don't even share a computer. My computer is like my personal space. So the computer's name is supposed to be "Mommy." Okay, I can deal. I'll figure out how to change it back. But then I went to the Internet, and saw that all of my favorites are gone. I know I should have expected it, just like I should have realized that my background picture would be wiped, but I didn't. I feel blindsided -- a little violated. I had no idea how important having my computer set up my way is. And I don't know enough about computers to get them back! How do I get the Internet Explorer Icon in my bottom left corner? How do I replace my desktop shortcuts? Really, this sucks.
And in what is a continuing obsession that I am really trying to curb, I had to get a latte from Starbucks since they are in the same strip mall. Another rip-off -- $4.00 for a cup of coffee. $4.23 really. But I can't stop. I swear they must put crack or something in there (of course, for me, caffeine is like crack, so maybe that's it). Honestly, I just bleated like a little sheep all the way out of my cozy suburban strip mall paying way too much for stuff I "need".
Oh, and Mackensie is still wearing her halloween costume. She slept in it and hasn't taken it off yet. I'll upload pictures when I find the F%^$#^g disk that goes with my photo softwear and reinstall it.