So we're having another sick day. But this one is on the heels of what might be my scariest experience yet as a mother: an episode of croup. Mac has been stuffy/runny for a few days, but overall fine. Last night she woke up around midnight and could hardly catch her breath. She was coughing like a "seal bark" and having trouble breathing. At first she couldn't catch her breath, and then it turned into a "Darth Vadar" sounding breathing pattern. Her little chest was caving in at the ribs with each breath. We threw her in the bathroom and put the shower on full steam. Then I called the doctor. I had to leave a message with the hospital answering service, and when they called back, they
very slowly took my name, address, etc., so that they could bill me the $5 required for after-hours service. It took all of my control to stay calm. By the time she actually got to talking about what was wrong with Mac, Mac had pretty much stopped coughing.
Luckily (sort of), Tim had experience with croup because he had that and asthma often when he was younger. He was very calm, but I was ready to take her to the hospital. But after 30 minutes in the steamy bathroom and a trip outside in the cold, Mac finally sounded better. So I decided to sleep with her in case it started up again. Which didn't work, because Mac has a really hard time sleeping with someone in the bed. She is in denial about this, as she always wants to be in our bed or have us in her bed, but she really is more of a solo sleeper. So, at this point it is 2:30. She and I lay there for an hour, with her tossing and turning. No recurring coughs, so I tell her I'm going into my own bed.
Meanwhile, my bed has both Tim and Oliver. And I desperately want to keep Mac and Oliver separate, since I can't even imagine how scary croup would be in a six month old. Plus, Oliver has to be clear for his surgery on Tuesday. About 3 minutes later, I hear little footsteps coming down the hallway. It was Mac, and she would not be turned away without a fight. Since I didn't want her getting worked up, out goes Oliver and in comes Mac. Luckily, within about 15 minutes or so, we were all asleep.
Fast forward to 7 am, when Oliver wakes up (plenty sniffly) to eat his breakfast. So I bring him into bed and keep him as far away from Mac as possible. When Mac wakes up at 8:30 (Oliver and I both fell asleep while he was eating) it is clear that she a) feels better and b) really needs a lot more sleep. So she instantly starts poking at Oliver and tapping (hitting) him on the head. It is so tiring to reprimand within 5 minutes of waking up, but something that I find myself doing more and more often.
So I call the doctor, who says Mac doesn't have to come in, but gives me instructions on how to keep Olivers sniffles from turning into croup. Out I go to CVS, where I buy a second cool-mist humidifier (I've been rotating the one we have to whoever is "sickest" each night), nose drops for each kid, and a nasal aspirator.
After 45 minutes of driving (to Starbucks, of course). they both finally fell asleep. I've never seen two kids who needed it more.
So that's our day. At least nobody is throwing up (yet).