I realize that I have been negligent in posting. But I've been in kind of a funk and I have nothing productive to say. I think that I don't even know what I'm thinking or feeling, so I certainly don't know how to put it into words. We've been busy -- very busy. I've been so tired -- tired of feeling like I should be with the kids while I'm doing work, and tired of feeling like I should be doing work when I'm with the kids. And don't get me started on physically tired. And I've been worried -- worried that Mackensie has some serious emotional/behavioral issues, worried about everyone's health, worried that my dissertation isn't "relevant." And did I mention that I still haven't lost the belly fat from Oliver even though I've been working out regularly for maybe the second time in my life? That is so not going to last if I don't start seeing results.
But even though we've been existing in this haze of worry and disarray, we have had some exciting events. Tim and I celebrated our five year wedding anniversary! To celebrate, we went to the Chart House and actually spent the night up there. It was so nice. We even went to the movies, which I get to do maybe twice a year. I also had my first day at Penn State. I'm developing an online course over the summer, and Wednesday was my introduction. I was happy to find out that it only took an hour to get there, and that there is a Starbucks, 2 Dunkin Donuts, 2 sushi restaurants, and a Target in the five minutes between the PA turnpike and the school. All of my vices in a neat little row.
Also, Oliver got new braces. I'll have to post a picture of the size difference between his first pair and this new pair. They seem so big! The chunky little monkey is growing up...