Check out these apple dumplings!
Time flies when you're having fun!
Time really has been going by so quickly. Oliver is almost 10 weeks old already! He just had his 2 month check-up today. He got a clean bill of health, except for some suspected reflux. So he has to start taking zantax. He is up to 11 lb. 14 oz. already, and that is without casts. The doctor said that all things considered, he looks great. I would have liked the "he looks great" without the caveat, but I'll take what I can get :) He also only had to get one shot today. I've been seriously debating whether or not to vax him on a delayed schedule -- there has been a lot of attention to the possible side effects of vaccinations, including autism. It is scary to think about what you are injecting into little babies. However, living where we do, I think it would be unwise to leave him unprotected against a variety of preventable illnesses. So I've really been debating. Breaking up the vaccines seems to be the wisest choice, since it allows him to be vaccinated without injecting too much at once. Even in his 1 shot today, he got five separate vaccines. I actually didn't realize it was going to be that many when he got it. I can't imagine what is left for next week. Poor little guy -- imagine if he'd gotten all of them at once!
In addition to his check up, Oliver also saw the orthopedist and the urologist this week. On Wednesday he had a VCUG, which is a series of x-rays done on his bladder to make sure that it is working properly. Which it is! So we don't have to have another check for 4 months.
He also went for his weekly casting, but this time, some discoloration developed on his foot between the time we got there and the time the doctor went to put the cast on his foot. I was afraid it was an allergic reaction to the elastic in his sock. I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned that babies with spina bifida are prone to latex allergies. These allergies can be pretty severe. It was originally thought that the latex allergy developed due to repeated exposure to latex in medical settings. However, there is some thought that says spina bifida babies might be genetically prone to it. Since all medical facilities dealing with babies with spina bifida are latex free, it isn't such an issue anymore. But in case you've never though about it -- latex is in everything! Including the elastic in clothing. So I was afraid he had a reaction to his sock. The doctor didn't think so, but also didn't want to recast his leg. So Oliver's legs are uncovered for the first time since he was 1 week old. We go back next Wednesday for a recast (as long as the discoloration is gone) -- but it's nice to see his legs.
Other than that, we've been busy with playdates and pumpkin picking. Not to mention that Tim had to travel this week and I've gone back to work. We seriously need about 2 or 3 more hours in every day. It took me three days just to get the time to go out and buy dish detergent and diapers and I still have a huge late fee pending at the library (which is eating away at me). I've never been much of a planner -- I always thought that it led to too much stress. But I'm seriously reconsidering my stand on that. Right now, not planning is leading to serious stress. Maybe it's not planning I need, but organization. As dumb as it sounds, I now want to be the person who has everything laid out the night before. Anyone who knows me even a little bit would probably acknowledge that is so not like me and would probably be next to impossible to achieve. But seriously, something has to give, and I don't want it to be my sanity.
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