06 December 2007


So we're in the Surgical Waiting Center at CHOP, waiting for Oliver to come out of surgery. He was such a good little baby while we waited for the surgery to begin. He couldn't eat after 6 a.m. so I woke up at 5 to feed him and then went back to sleep until 6:30 or so. Then we got up and got ready to leave. I had to give Oliver a bath, since I didn't know how long the casts were going to be on him after the surgery. We haven't had casts on for 2 weeks now and it's been so nice. I can give him baths, and I love to see his little feet! After his bath he got his neublizer treatement. Tim's mom came over and brought us coffee, which was great. We were just about to leave when Mac woke up. She was so cute -- she had to give her little brother so many kisses before he left. I don't usually tell her that we are going to the doctor/hospital for Oliver -- she never asks, I never tell. But she found out today and seemed to sad to see him go. But by the time we left she was happy to spend the day (and have a sleepover) with Nanny Nancy.

We got to CHOP 10 minutes late. Not too bad for us. Each time we're late for something here I'm so nervous, but then we sit around and wait. And that's what we did today. We waited for about 45 minutes before they called us into our little pre-op cubby. Then they took his medical history again, and weighed him to be sure the anesthesia level was correct. The little porkchop has gained almost a pound since his weigh in 2 weeks ago. This brings him to 7 1/2 pounds in just under 4 months!

The anesthesiologist just came out and told me that they are done and everything is fine. We can go see him soon! They warned me that because of his "well-fed state," they couldn't get the IV in so he is a bit bruised. Poor little man. But he didn't feel it because he was already asleep. And now the doctor came out and told us that all went well. They released the tendons and his feet are at a 90 degree angle. We have to bring him back in 2 weeks for new casts. I can't wait to go see him!

Since our wait was cut short, you'll be spared my description of all of the great things that CHOP has to offer parents -- for now. Let's just say that if you have the "parent bracelet" you get free coffee at the McDonald's downstairs. Could you imagine if it was a Starbucks -- I'd never leave!

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