25 January 2008

Updates and Status Quo

So after driving down to CHOP on Wednesday and waiting for 2 hours, the doctor came in and told me that there is nothing that they can do about Oliver's braces -- we just have to wait until his feet get a little bigger and then everything will fit better. Until then I can just keep stretching so that they stay in their new position. While I never mind driving down, it is something that I feel they could have told me over the phone. On the plus side, I did get to finish my book on CD.

Life is otherwise pretty normal. My new schedule is pretty hectic, but I'm enjoying the teaching. I had my first class at Rutgers yesterday, and my second class at Kean. Both went well. Mac continues to test her boundaries in every way possible. Tim is starting the preparations for the tournament he is hosting in April -- he gets to co-host one once every two years, so this is a big deal. It takes a lot of work, but when it is done correctly, it also brings a lot of prestige.
Since I don't have much exciting news, I will at least share some cute pictures:

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