Oliver learns to sit during PT
Now that Oliver is getting a bit older (5 big man months!), his physical therapy is getting so much more important. In his first assesment, I was told that he had a weak trunk and that we would really have to work on his muscles. Of course, he was barely 2 months old, so it was hard to see necessity or improvement because he wasn't really doing much. But now that he is older and starting to reach milestones, the benefits of PT really show. Our physical therapist, Ruth, comes to the house for an hour once a week and shows us ways that we can play and also give his muscles a work out. We've had to work on getting him on his tummy, stretching out his thigh muscles, and getting him to rotate his arms forward (he has a tendency to hold them back). It's really cool because she uses stuff from around the house and shows me how to fit in a few stretches/play times a day that give maximum benefit. Sometimes we roll him back and forth on a blanket; other times we give him a baby massage. Today he sat up alone for the first time! He was leaning on a toy, but he was still able to do it. It's such a joy to know that he is really mastering his upper body skills. My hope is that he will really be able to compensate for his limited lower-body use. Sometimes I don't know if
I should picture him walking in the future -- you know -- aim high and don't give up. Or maybe I should just accept his limitations and give him as much self-esteem and ability as I can with what I know he can do. Which serves him better?
Either way, I know that his PT is giving him a very good start.
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