6 lb. 11 oz.
Sleeps a lot
Eats through IV
So perfect and small
No shunt
2 surgeries, weekly casting, 1 pair of $1200 braces*, 16 sessions of PT, 500 pokes in the eye by Mackensie, and 1 billion kisses later...
19 lb.
Eats breastmilk, prunes, applesauce, and cereal
Can sit on his own
"Stands" in his excersaucer
Giggles and "talks"
No shunt!
Six months ago today Oliver joined us on the outside. Even though I had contractions in the middle of the night and thought he was going to make an early debut, he arrived bia c-section at 9:55 a.m. on August 13. The last six months have been amazing -- he has grown into such a sweet and laid back little baby. He has taught me that you really can love two babies with all your heart, and allowed me to do all of the things that I wish I had done differently with Mac. He has met and exceeded any expectations that we could have had for him. I thank God for him (and Mac) every second of every day.
Happy 6-month birthday little man!
* I just found out today that each of his braces cost $594. Insurance was refusing to pay for them, but now it seems like they will. The braces don't even stay on, and when they do, they leave red marks. They are made of plastic and velcro with some padding. I seriously feel like I could have made them. I am dumbfounded and so grateful for the fact that we have insurance.
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