It's bad when even the instructor gets spring fever...but I get it every year. I hate the winter and LOVE the spring. I love the summer even more. And we are finally having a few consecutive days of really amazing weather. I don't want to do anything excpet hang around with the windows open, eat at an outside table, or just run mindless errands. It doesn't help that both of the classes I teach are annoying me -- one is really smart and good at following directions, but not so great at participation. The other class has a pretty good cohesive and conversational feel, but they can't follow directions or complete assignments to save their lives (or their grades). I'm supposed to be doing my lesson plans for next week now (doing all of them on Friday is my way to clear up the rest of the week for dissertation work), but I can't stop looking out the window and willing a distraction to come my way. Of course, one of my two favorite distractions is at school right now, and the other is asleep. I know I'll be sorry later if I don't get my work done now.
Spring is also becoming a time for trips to the hospital. It's just about a year ago today that we visited CHOP for the first time for prenatal testing. What a difference a year makes. Now, we are waiting for our insurance to clear a 3-day hospital stay for a video EEG for Oliver. Even though they haven't found anything wrong, the neurologist still wants to rule things out. I don't actually think that it is necessary, but what if it is? Ugh. When I asked if I could send the office video of Oliver doing his jerking, they said not to bother, and to just bring it for the procedure. Pretty frustrating. And I haven't been able to get in touch with the office to a)ask if the EEG is on for Monday, and b) talk to somebody else about sending the video clips. Even though they don't capture everything, I'd like to doctor to at least see them before committing to three days in the hospital.
I think I hear said distraction stirring. Saved from doing more work!
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