We're still here, hanging out in the hospital. We made it through the first night. A
little bedtime, Oliver did some of his twitching. I was actually relieved, since that means it will be on tape. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but every time I see him have an "episode" I'm supposed to press a button that marks it on the tape. And then I also write down what I saw so that they know what to look for. As I do this, I check the time on the EEG machine and note it, also. Each time I check the screen to see what the EEG output looks like, as if I can note normal v. abnormal brain patterns. Even though I have no idea what it means, it does create a nice little mini-obsession/distraction for me. And apparently, the doctor can check the feed and/or video right in his office. He is supposed to contact us later to let us know what he has seen so far. Hopefully, we will get good news and an early release. We'll see.

Mac came to visit last night. We had a good visit until it was time to go. She wanted daddy to stay with Oliver and me to go home with her. She cried when she was leaving. I felt so bad. So far, we have been able to marginalize Oliver's illness for her, since most of his doctor appointments have been on a Wednesdays, when she is at school. I usually don't even tell her that is where we are going, in case I am late picking her up. I usually just tell her I am at work. Let her resent that, instead. And even though we have PT, she gets to help out when she is home. But sometimes, like now, we have to tell her what is going on. I just hope that this isn't the beginning of resentment, abandonment issues, or jealousy. I am acutely aware of the fact that Oliver's condition can adversely affect her, and am not entirely sure how to deal with it.
And of course, there are the old-fashioned sibling issues of sharing and kindness to deal with. Here is Mackensie "sharing" her new dolls with Oliver last night. In my rush to get everything together, I forgot to bring many toys for Oliver. So when Mac came with dolls, we tried to get her to share. She did for a while, but she never let him forget whose dolls they really were (in keeping with her belief that everything really belongs to Mackensie).
And I'd like to give special thanks to Da_Bitchez, who continue to support my sporadic internet access during this hospital stay.

Mac came to visit last night. We had a good visit until it was time to go. She wanted daddy to stay with Oliver and me to go home with her. She cried when she was leaving. I felt so bad. So far, we have been able to marginalize Oliver's illness for her, since most of his doctor appointments have been on a Wednesdays, when she is at school. I usually don't even tell her that is where we are going, in case I am late picking her up. I usually just tell her I am at work. Let her resent that, instead. And even though we have PT, she gets to help out when she is home. But sometimes, like now, we have to tell her what is going on. I just hope that this isn't the beginning of resentment, abandonment issues, or jealousy. I am acutely aware of the fact that Oliver's condition can adversely affect her, and am not entirely sure how to deal with it.
And of course, there are the old-fashioned sibling issues of sharing and kindness to deal with. Here is Mackensie "sharing" her new dolls with Oliver last night. In my rush to get everything together, I forgot to bring many toys for Oliver. So when Mac came with dolls, we tried to get her to share. She did for a while, but she never let him forget whose dolls they really were (in keeping with her belief that everything really belongs to Mackensie).
And I'd like to give special thanks to Da_Bitchez, who continue to support my sporadic internet access during this hospital stay.
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