22 May 2008

Where does all the time go?

Since she continued to cough through the night and into the morning, I took Mac to the doctor today. Of course, by the time we go there she was barely coughing and I felt like a complete idiot. This was our third day in a row at the pediatrician. When I sat back and thought about it, I came up with the following calculations:

In the last month, we have had:

1 overnight hospital stay for an EEG (this does not count the two out-patient EEGs that took place a little over a month ago)
1 Spina bifida clinic day (this includes seeing a pediatrician, nurse practitioner, physical therapist, orthopedist, neurosurgeon, and brace fitting)
at least 7 trips to the pediatrician (3 for Mac, 4 for Oliver)
4-5 days of physical therapy
1 day of developmental intervention

If you average that out for a 30 day a month, that works out to some sort of medical appointment almost every other day.

No wonder my house is such a mess.

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