This weekend we had a family road trip! Tim has been actively competing this year in hopes of placing in Top 10 and being able to compete for World Champ in tae kwon do. The way it works is that you compete in as many tournaments as possible all year (July-June) in any or all of the following categories: forms, weapons, sparring, extreme forms, and extreme weapons. For each first, second, or third place that you take, you get a certain number of points. The ten people with the most points at the end of the year for each age group and rank compete for world champ at (where else?) World Championships in (where else) Little Rock, AK. Tim is currently ranked number 2 in forms and sparring for men's black belts 30-39 (my little one turns 30 this year :) I have also dusted off my nunchucks and started competing again, too.
This weekend's tournament was in New Hampshire and we decided to make a family trip out of it. We did this in Deleware a few weeks ago, and it worked well. The key is an indoor pool. The kids love it. We all go to the tournament and Tim and I compete first thing in the morning. Then I head back to the hotel with the kids and swim while Tim judges.
We headed up Friday night after I got out of work. Stopped at McDonald's for dinner. A rare treat, and I looove cheeseburger happy meals. We got in late, went to bed, and competed the next morning. I only had one other person in my ring. So I got second in forms and first in sparring. And, by default, first in weapons. Tim took four firsts and a third.
According to plan, I took the kids back to the hotel and got them suited up. We couldn't find the indoor pool (whose existence we had confirmed before booking), so we headed down to the lobby complete with bathing suits and blow up duck. Only to find out there was no pool. Mac handled it extremely well, and we found a Burger King playland instead.Then we stopped at McDonald's fo ice cream. When Tim got back we headed to Boston for dinner, which was really exciting. Then back to our hotel.
We had a delicious McDonald's breakfast Sunday morning, and all was relaxing until we hit the road to go home. 20 minutes into the trip, Mac projectile vomited ALL OVER the back seat. I can't describe how gross it really was. And the worst part was, we had the next 7 (yes 7) hours to smell it on the way home.
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