Oli gets ready for surgery in his cool gown. This is before the "giggle juice."
So because big events don't happen one at a time in our household, we've had quite a busy week. Oliver had successful foot surgery, and so far the casts haven't slipped off. We're hoping this means that in four weeks, he will be back in braces. This was Oli's first surgery in a year. He handled it really well. To prep him, they gave him "giggle juice," which must have been a pretty potent cocktail. He got all gooey and giggly. His eyes were slits and he had his squishy smile. He let me hold and snuggle him the whole time. I thought it was funny; Tim thought I was crazy. But the faces Oli was making were priceless, even if he was doped up. Of course I cried when he went into surgery. He slept for a while in recovery and was kind of out of it when he woke up. He wouldn't drink anything so he got to try an ice pop. He loved it and one quickly turned into two. Mac would have been so jealous! He had some of the breathing issues that he has had from the anesthesia in the past, but overall was good to go about two hours later. By the next day he was crawling around and you would never know that he had just had surgery.
The day before Oli's surgery, I defended my dissertation to my committee -- and I passed! This is a huge weight off of my shoulders and basically clears me for graduation in May. Mackensie tested for her orange belt decided in taekwondo, and passed with flying colors. Today Tim had leadership night at the karate school and I had my public dissertation presentation.
In short, everything went well. We are all in a better place than we were last week. It feels good.
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