We've had another busy week. This time, it was full of doctor's appointments for Oliver. Nothing serious, but stuff that was important to get out of the way. On Tuesday, we went for a PT evaluation at Children's Specialized Hospital. Our PT, Ruth, recommended it since Oli is at such a crucial stage in terms of mobility. This evaluation was to qualify him for outpatient therapy at a "baby gym." We met with a really nice physical therapist who played with Oli for an hour. She seemed pleased with what he could do, but recommended him for two sessions a week. It has to go through insurance first, but we will hopefully have Oli hitting the gym in just a few weeks. We should also be getting his walker this week, so he will be movin and groovin.
Oli also had a hearing evaluation this week. It was quick and simple, and he slept through it. His hearing is fine. We did thi because every time I bring up delayed speech to his developmental intervention therapist or neurosurgery, they ask if we have had his hearing check. It is something to check of the list before we can look to other reasons for his delayed speech. At age two, he will qualify for speech therapy through early intervention. Now, we are ready to get started.
Oli has had a boost in speech in the last few weeks. "No," "more," "down," "out," "moo," "woof," meow," "up," and a few others. I'm hoping that this is the beginning of his road to full speech. I can tell he has a lot to say; maybe he just doesn't know how to get it out.
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