16 October 2009

Big News on the Little Guy

Oliver has taken his first steps! It is absolutely amazing to see.

We took him to CHOP for a clinic appointment about two weeks ago. It is funny how things have changed. I used to think that the PT was useless, and waited breathlessly to hear what neuro and orthopedics had to say. This time, I couldn't wait to get to PT so that I could see what she had to say about using his walker and using a "swing through gait." Oli got his walker in July, but cried every time I put him near it until September. Finally, with the help of his PT (especially his outpatient PT at the 'baby gym'), he started to stand with it. But neither his Early Intervention (EI) PT nor his outpatient PT could figure out how to get him to do the "swing through gait" that CHOP recommended (the swing through gait is just getting Oli to boost himself up on the walker using his arms and then sliding/swinging both feet through at the same time). Our EI PT doesn't agree with it at all, and our outpatient PT was not sold, either. So I was anxious to see what the CHOP PT had to say when I asked about these challenges.

She more than delivered, and by the time we left, Oli had taken a few steps with her help. Excellent! When we went to outpatient PT the next day, he actually took a few steps on his own. It was the most exciting thing I have ever seen. He doesn't exactly swing through yet -- right now he sort of twists his hips and moves his feet forward as he does it. Whatever! I am so excited that he is doing it himself that he can do whatever he wants.

Our EI PT brought Oli a set of parallel bars made of PVC piping that was donated by another family. Oli can walk down the whole length of the bars. It takes him a little while, and he wants to get down (which means unlocking his braces and letting him crawl) as soon as he is done, but it is a great first start. He has walked a few steps almost every day for the past two weeks and it is amazing!

Now I have to learn how to strike a balance between encouraging him to walk and letting him set his own pace. We had his 6 month EI evaluation today, during which we assess him in terms of previously set goals, and create new goals based on where he is. He has exceeded many of his old goals. I would never have believed 6 months ago that he might be walking now. His new goal (to be reevaluated in April) is to be using his walker to move from room to room. With hard work and some divine intervention, I have faith that he will get there.

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