13 November 2013

Little Brag

There are many times each day that I am proud of my kids.

Today: Oli was able to read all of his word ring words!

As I've mentioned, we are in Oli's second go-round of Kindergarten. We aren't sure if he has learning disabilities, or was just a young 5, with a birthday so close to the cut-off for school, and needed an extra year to get started. So far, this year, he seems to be doing well and keeping up. By the end of last year, he could only recognize a few of the words on his word ring, which is paper cut-outs of words that he is supposed to memorize. After reading his homework book, we pulled out his word ring from last year, and Oli went through every word! There were a few that he was way off on, but when I called him out on it, he go the right word immediately. I'm assuming that he was joking with me when he missed them, but with Oli, you never know. Either way, I am so happy that he is making progress. I am looking forward to parent/teacher conferences in two weeks to see if he is doing as well as I think he is.

My little tenderoni -- cute and smart. This guy has it all!

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