I've heard people say that they don't like this "awkward" week between Christmas and the New Year. They are ready to welcome the New Year and let go of the old one. I'm in no rush. Maybe it is because I don't really make resolutions or set goals for the New Year (It's not that I don't think I need improvement, but I tend to set new goals or make changes as I feel I need them) It could also be that Tim, the kids, and I all have this week off, which gives us a sweet spot of family time. We are a little looser with the budget, going on more outings, having more meals, and enjoying a few extra lattes :)
For example, this year we:
Visited with Tim's parents and uncle on Thursday. Because of his mom's health, we didn't travel up on Christmas, but rather went the Sunday before. We didn't want to put the pressure of a meal on her on Christmas, and also, didn't want to take the kids up there and then have her not feel well. We were afraid it would ruin her Christmas. But without the pressure of the holiday, she felt well enough to drive down on Thursday and we had a nice visit. Including pizza.
Had a BIG SLEEPOVER on Friday. Mac has been bee-eee-ggg--ing for a sleepover with her friend Zoe for about a year now. We decided that the time had finally come. So, with some trepidation, we had Zoe over and let the kids make a fort in the playroom. Even though I thought that having all the windows and letting the sun in would wake them at the crack of dawn, they slept until 8:30! No fighting! All fun! Mac was so happy, and it translated into a really helpful attitude for the rest of Saturday. Also on Friday, we went shopping and spent some Christmas gift money. Hello ULTA :)

Saturday was our biggest and best outing. We went to Hershey Park for Christmas in Hershey. Luckily, it was a 50 degree day, so the weather was chilly, but not cold. The kids got to go on a few rides, and then we visited chocolate world. The park was decorated in tons of lights, and it felt very cozy and special. We will definitely do this again next year!

Sunday was church, food shopping and lunch at Wegman's, and then dinner with friends at Campbell's Place in Chestnut Hill. We have stopped going there in favor of Iron Hill Brewery, but now that we have been reminded how good it is, I think we will return soon. Their veggie burger is so good that I return to my vegetarian ways. And their beer is delicious, too :)

Monday -- Christmas with family! My dad, pat, Beth, Mike, and Harry came down and we celebrated Christmas. It was fun to host, and great to see everyone! Plus, I got the blender I have been dyy-ing for ever since my old blender died in October (which resulted in me eating bits of plastic and thinking they were hard parts of pumpkin in my pumpkin puree). Homemade soup, hummus and smoothees, here we come!
In between activities, I have been working, Oli has been playing video games nonstop, and we have been having a season 7 Psych-a-thon.
I am starting to feel a little burnt out, but I am also not ready to have everything go back to normal yet. The kids go back to school Thursday, and I'm sure that we will take down the decoration this weekend. But until then, I'm going to enjoy stretching out the holidays just a little bit longer.
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