The wonderful view from our balcony

our (failed) attempt at being athletic

sisters minus one

me and my little man

our beautiful beach house and my beautiful girl

amanda, dale, & krys at the beach

the parents at our biggest dinner out. mom even got a crab hat for her birthday.
Oli gets in his zone and throws sand at anyone who comes near him.
We love vacation! This year, we got to go to the Outer Banks of NC with our whole family! Mom, Dale, Beth, Krys, Amanda, Mike, Tim, me and the kids all drove down (9 hours) to the beautiful and quiet beach town of Duck. There is no boardwalk, which disappointed Mac at first, but we had a huge house, our own pool, and a short walk to the beach. Tim was supposed to leave on Tuesday, but was able to stay the whole time.
Some highlights include:
1. Waverunners -- Everyone (except me and Oli) taking out waverunners and zooming around the bay (inlet? bay? whatever -- it was water). I am a worrier, and it has been brought to my attention that I am a little over protective of the kids. I did not like the idea of Mac going out, but since she would be with Tim, decided it would be okay. I was literally in tears as they headed out, but she loved it.
2. Mom's birthday - Since Mike and Amanda had to leave on Tuesday, we celebrated Mom's birthday with a great dinner of grilled steaks, chicken, and salmon. Mike cooked it and it was delicious. More and more, I feel like a good home cooked meal beats going out to eat any day.
3. Beer Pong -- Later that night, we (minus Krys and the kids) played beer pong. Despite my love of drinking in college, I never really played beer pong. Mom never played, either, but it turns out she is a natural!
4. Riding the waves -- A favorite since I was little. This summer I have enjoyed taking Mac in the ocean a few times, but we stay pretty shallow. This time, I got to go far out with Mike, Tim, and Beth. It was great until my bathing suit top came off. Luckily I caught it before anyone else did.
5. Ice cream -- Ice cream every day!! Nothing says vacation like continuous ice cream!
6. GI Joe -- Okay, not necessarily a highlight in an of itself, but Tim and I went to a midnight showing of GI Joe. It wasn't a bad movie, I managed to stay awake, and it was the first movie I've seen in the theater in quite a while.
7. Candy Land -- I almost forgot. Candy Land is Mac's favorite game right now, and we played it constantly. The aunts were her favorite partners, since I am old hat, and I'm sure they will be quite happy not to hear the terms "double red" or "Queen Frostine" any time in the next few years. Luckily, Mac has finally embraced losing, or at least has learned how to be a gracious loser. Believe me, that was a long fought battle, and I'm not sure it applies to any situation other than Candy Land. But she is a fun opponent and I'm glad to see her enjoying the game.
I've realized that it doesn't even matter where we go when we are all together (even though we go great places!!), it is just fun having the time together.